Church Hill Intermediate School Nurse-
Virginia Winstead
Mrs. Virginia Winstead,
School Nurse
Contact information
fax- 423-357-0267
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Peanut Sensitive
We are a peanut/tree nut sensitive school. This means that both students and staff should refrain from bringing in products that contain or are made in a facility that manufactures nuts and nut products. We want to make sure that all of our students and staff are free to enjoy a safe environment at school.
1. Can my child take medications while at school?
Medications are administered at school only when the student's health requires that he/she be given during school hours.
Prescription medications administered during school hours require: a physician's signature. A "Permission for Medication" form will need to be completed and on file.
Over-the-Counter (Non-Prescription) medications brought from home also require a "Permission for Medication" form to be completed and on file.
The School Clinic provides a limited variety of over-the-counter medications and first aid supplies. Each student is required to have a "Health Information" card completed before these medications will be administered.
2. Can my child carry his/her own medications to school?
Students should not carry their own medications to and from school. Parents/caregivers are solely responsible for bringing medications to the school and back home. Students who are found carrying medications are subject to disciplinary action. This includes both prescription and non prescription medications*.
*Exceptions to this rule are inhalers and Epi-Pens. Both physician and parent approval are required to carry an inhaler or Epi-Pen. Also, a "Self Possession" form must be signed by the parent, and on file, for a student to carry their inhaler or Epi-Pen.
All medications must be brought in the original container with the prescription label attached that contains the child's name, medication name and dosage. Over-the-counter medicines must also be brought in by the parent in the original, unopened package.
Diabetic students are allowed to carry their diabetic supplies (Glucose tabs, insulin, monitors, etc).