
Welcome to the Library! 

We cover lots of skills including researching, learning vocabulary and reading directions.  We also help children understand the  joy of reading.  Please check out the Destiny link and click the "catalog" tab.  This allows you to search our collection. 

Accelerated Reader

Library Syllabus


Students are expected to

  1. Come to class on time, participate in class activities, and read silently during appointed times.

  2. Demonstrate respect toward self, others, and library materials.

  3. Listen and follow directions from instructor.

  4. Follow the Student Behavior, Discipline, and Code of Conduct (Board Policy 6.3131) per the Middle and High School Student Handbook.

Discipline Procedures/Consequences

Each student starts each class with 100 points as their starting grade.

  • 1st Infraction: Verbal Warning

  • 2nd Infraction: Verbal Warning given with notice that any and all further redirection will come with loss of points (usually in increments of 5) from their daily grade.

If problem behavior continues despite numerous points being deducted: Student will be assigned after school detention. 


Board Policy 4.400

All classrooms and learning centers shall be equipped with the instructional materials needed to provide quality learning experiences for students. The Board seeks to provide a wide range of instructional materials that cover all levels of difficulty, generate critical thinking, and support the educational programs. The director of schools shall develop procedures to review and reconsider instructional materials that are allegedly inappropriate. A list of instructional materials used by the schools shall be revised annually by building administrators under the direction of the director of schools. Instructional materials shall be available for inspection by parents/guardians upon request, and the director of schools shall develop procedures for the inspection of materials and distribute these procedures to each principal.

Upon request, parents/guardians shall have the ability to inspect the following items: instructional materials, teaching aids, handouts; and tests that are developed by and graded by their child’s teachers. The director of schools shall develop procedures for the inspection of materials and distribute these procedures to each principal.